East Baton Rouge Parish is located in the state of Louisiana of United States of America. Situated on the bank of the river Mississippi, it represents some of the most vibrant cultures of Louisiana. Baton Rouge is the capital of the state and is growing in terms of business, education and industrial aspects. The place is famous for the unique food, amazing music and the great people. The parish has a good mix of people from various races therefore got a colorful culture with many aspects to it. The parish also plays quite an important role in each presidential election.
East Baton Rouge Parish has an area of 1,219.9 square Kilometers and has a population of 440, 171 as per the last census conducted in 2010. This is the largest parish in Louisiana in terms of population and density. With a total of 156,365 households, there are a total of 102,575 families who are residents of the parish. Population density per square mile is 906 persons and the average housing density per square mile is 371 with 169,073 total housing units. East Baton Rouge has a mixed population that consists of people from almost every race. Majority of the people living here are Caucasian with a percentage of 56.17%. The African American consists of 40.09% of the population,.21% are Native American, 2.08% are of Asian origins,.03% hail from Pacific Islands, 1.42% from mixed races. 1.78% of the total population is of Hispanic or Latino origin.
East Baton Rouge Parish has people less than 18 years of age at 32.80% of the households. There are a total of 44.70% of married couples living in the parish while there are a total of 16.80% households run by single mothers. There are a total of 34.40% households that doesn't bond together as family. Individual duelers consist of 26.90% of the total number of households and there are a total of 7.20% households that have people living with an age 65 years or higher. As of 2010, average size of the households was 2.55 and the average size of the family was 3.14.
The population of East Baton Rouge Parish is evenly distributed among various age groups. There is 26.20% of the total population under 18 years and 14.40% are aged between 18 and 24. Between the ages 25 and 44, 28.70% of the total population belong in that group. 20.80% of the population belongs to the age group of 45 to 64 and only 9.90% of the total population is aged 65 or more. The parish is young in terms of people's age there with a median of 32 years. Male-Female ratio is 9.2:10.
Per capita income for East Baton Rouge Parish is $19,790 as per the last census in 2010. Median household income was $37,224. Per family median household income is $47,480. The male population has a higher income than that of the females - $38,334 and $25,073 respectively. Approximately 13.20% of all the families are below the poverty line. Considering the total population, 17.90% of it belonged there.
In terms of education, East Baton Rouge Parish has always been performing fantastically. It has the highest rate of high school graduations in the state with 82.2% of the students graduating each year. Also, in terms of college education, the parish has a high score in the state of Louisiana with 33.3% of the residents having bachelor's degrees.
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